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Research & Initiatives

  • Cost-Effective Decarbonization for the Power Sector of Hong Kong: Technology Innovation, Demonstrations, and Pathways

       Grant type: STG     

      Role: Co-PI

  • An Upcycling Solution to the Paradox of Clean Energy Development

      Grant type: CRF
      Role: Co-PI

  • Cost Efficient Pathway Towards Photo-hydrolysis Solution for Low-carbon Society

      Grant type: SIRG-CityU
      Role: Co-I

  • Making it Real: Nudging Individuals’ Risk Perception of Climate Change to Engage in Pro-environmental Behaviors

      Grant type: GRF
      Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

  • How Green Turns into Gold? Optimizing the Dual Effect of ‘Price Premium for Green’ and ‘Cost Premium for Green’ of HK-BEAM Plus Certified Housing

      Grant type: GRF
      Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

  • The Curvilinear Link between Environment Strategies and Financial Performance in the Real
    Estate Firms: Beyond Static Dichotomy of Allies or Adversaries

      Grant type: Research Grants Council General Research Fund (Early Career Scheme)
      Role: Principal Investigator (PI)

  • Green Finance and Carbon Neutral Strategy

      Grant type: DON_RMG
      Role: Co-I

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